Sources for Official MW*C Information:Updates
is the offical MW*C
weblog for the latest updates. Put
your e-mail address in the
"subscribe" box to get the updates e-mailed directly to you, or visit
regularly to keep informed. You do not need to sign up for any service
to access updates.
The MW*C Blog is for official announcements; it is not a discussion list. E-mail us if you would like something posted. Official Website -- for information on all things MW*C (you're looking at it!) Twitter -- Short updates and announcements are available on Twitter @MediaWestCon. There is an official MediaWest*Con general info page on Facebook (not to be confused with fan pages on FB or any other service). The MW*C FB organization page and event pages are for official announcements; they are not discussion lists. We also have FB pages for info relating to Fan Quality Awards, Fan Fund Auction, Masquerade, and Fannish Video. MediaWest*Con Staff
E-mail: mediawestcon@aol.comMediaWest*Con, 200 E. Thomas St, Lansing MI 48906-4047 We will list contact info for artists and dealers on Art Show and Dealers pages. E-mail us for info.
This official MediaWest*Con page was updated February 10, 2022 |